From FragoriaWiki
Ο Πολεμιστής – είναι μια από τις κατηγορίες του Δυνατού Ανθρώπου, που ειδικεύεται στην κλίση της βλάβης, μειώνει τις παραμέτρους του εχθρού και ενισχύει τον εαυτό του. Ο Δυνατός Άνθρωπος μπορεί να επιλέξει τις κλάσεις Πολεμιστής στο επίπεδο 5. Later at level 31, ο Πολεμιστής θα υπό-ταξινομηθεί σε Έξαλλος ήΙππότης.
Skills of the soldier
Level of character 15
- Running Start Strike level 1
- Average Armor level 1
Level of character 18
- Powerful Blow level 3
- War Cry level 1
Level of character 20
- Disarming level 1
- Lunge level 1
Level of character 22
- War Cry level 2
- Retreat level 2
Level of character 26
- Battle scars level 1
- Retreat level 3
Level of character 28
- Disarming level 2
- War Cry level 3
Level of character 30
- Slowing level 1
- Backlash level 1
Level of character 32 (in parallel with the skills of new class)
- War Cry level 4
Level of character 34 (in parallel with the skills of new class)
- Slowing level 2
Level of character 36 (in parallel with the skills of new class)
- War Cry level 5
Level of character 38 (in parallel with the skills of new class)
- Battle Scars level 2
Level of character 40 (in parallel with the skills of new class)
- Slowing level 3
Level of character 48 (in parallel with the skills of new class)
- War Cry level 6
Level of character 52 (in parallel with the skills of new class)
- Slowing level 4